About Altiné

Hasiya Altiné Nagode (aka Tnéne or Umm Ayman) is a mother, lawyer, GBV specialist and development practitioner and writer based in Abuja, Nigeria.

In 2015, she launched her personal blog, which has since evolved and has been rebranded into a lifestyle blog that focuses and promotes spiritual and personal growth, ethical and purposeful living, character development and holistic wellbeing.

Hasiya’s passions include a myriad of things but most especially the study and teaching of her deen and its values, sustainability and renewable energy, women empowerment and personal development.

In her free time, Hasiya loves to read, attend sister halaqahs, watch anime and travel.

5 thoughts on “About Altiné

  1. Pls Hasiya, where are you??? I can’t wait for you new post, I learnt you are rounding up your degree course. Almighty Allah will make you excel tremendously. Pls post!


  2. Am stucked here. Write more pls, I don’t want to finish reading all your posts…..Allah continue to bestow barakah on you Ameen


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