Journeying Through the Last Ten Days of Ramadan: Lessons from the Sunnah and Sahabas

Journeying Through the Last Ten Days of Ramadan: Lessons from the Sunnah and Sahabas

As the blessed month of Ramadan draws to a close, we find ourselves approaching the most sacred and spiritually charged period of this holy month: the last ten days.  These final ten days are a time of immense opportunity, a chance for believers to seek forgiveness, draw closer to Allah, and reap the abundant blessings [...]

How to Re-invent Yourself: A Practical Guide to Becoming a Wholesome Muslim

How to Re-invent Yourself: A Practical Guide to Becoming a Wholesome Muslim

When was the last time you hit the hard reset button in your life? Are you at a point in your life where you feel you need a clean break with your past and want to start again? What does this practically involve? If you do not have the answer to these questions, I am [...]

Re-Charging Your Iman

Re-Charging Your Iman

Assalam alaykum my beloved ummati. I have no idea when this post will be published but today is Jummah and it's roughly 30 minutes after fajr. I pray to Allah during the blessed few hours of this morning, that everyone fated to read this post will receive his forgiveness and be greeted with the great [...]

Homosexuality In Islam

Homosexuality In Islam

I remember vividly the night I told Yusuf about my plans to discuss a range of controversial but important topics that I believed were not sufficiently addressed in Muslim families and communities. That conversation did not go very well; I recall we nearly had a fight about it. He was mainly concerned for my well [...]